•  November 7, 2024
     7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Hartford Convention Center
100 Columbus Blvd., Hartford, CT 06103

Keynote speaker will be Jeff Lucas

While Sections 20-300b-1 through 20, in CT, call boundary determinations as either First Surveys, Original Surveys, or Resurveys, we are about to learn about how Judges and Attorneys look at these opinions as Survey Types.

When a retracement survey is done, a surveyor can be retained to locate on the ground a boundary line that has theretofore been established. When he does this, he “traces the footsteps” of the “original surveyor” and locating existing boundaries. Correctly stated, this is a “retracement” survey, not a resurvey, and in performing this function, the second and each succeeding surveyor is a “following” or “tracing” surveyor and his sole duty, function and power is to locate on the ground the boundaries corners and the boundary line or lines established by the original survey; he cannot establish a new corner or new line terminal point, nor may he correct errors of the original surveyor. He must only track the footsteps of the original surveyor.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from this Nationally renowned expert!

A full-schedule of presentations will be posted shortly.

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