Surveying and mapping technologies have undergone dramatic transformations during the past few decades. Surveying is a multi-disciplined profession using advanced technology with a focus on land-related issues including geodesy, photogrammetry, land surveying, remote sensing, and geographic information systems.
Licensure as a Professional Land Surveyor is required in all fifty states and the U.S. territories.
Colleges specializations may be land surveying, forestry, GIS, geography, environmental science, civil engineering, and natural resource management.
Some of the schools that offer land surveying in New England include:
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Tidal Observation Seminar (computer disk)
*provides information not found on the internet
CALS members, if you have an interesting and informative article you would like to share, contact the CALS office about posting your article here.
GPS & Light Squared
GPS World
February 2011
Ability of Surveyor Technicians
Brent Jones
June 2010
Property Disputes
Wayne Zirolli, LS
July 21, 1998
Geographic & Land Information Society (GLIS)
Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA)
The Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA)
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
National Association of County Surveyors (NACS)
National Flood Determination Association (NFDA)
National Geodetic Survey New Datums: Replacing NAVD 88 and NAD 83
National Geodetic Survey (NGS)
National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC)
National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
NOAA CB Lines & Baselines in CT
CT DOP Minimum Standards for Surveys & Maps
CT DOT Range Calibration Line Information
CT Society of Professional Engineers
CT Advanced Continuously Operating Reference Network (ACORN)
ACINET America’s Career InfoNet (info on career descriptions, salaries, trends, etc.)
American Association for Geodetic Surveying (AAGS)
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Ct Dept. of Consumer Affairs PE and LS licenses
Council of Federal Procurement of Architectural & Engineering Services (COFPAES)
The Connecticut Association of Land Surveyors (CALS) is pleased to offer annual scholarships to deserving students of surveying.
New London County