Types of Memberships
Affiliate Members
A non-resident individual licensed to practice land surveying in both the State of Connecticut and at least in one other state, whose principal place of business is outside Connecticut, and who is a current voting member of another state’s land surveying society.
Firm Members
A sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation in the business of providing professional land surveying services in the State of Connecticut and having a minimum of one Surveyor-Member.
Retired Members
A Surveyor-Member in good standing for an uninterrupted period of ten (10) years prior to retirement from the active practice of land surveying and having attained “retired” status as defined by the Social Security System.
Surveyor Members
An individual licensed to provide professional land surveying services in the State of Connecticut.
Associate Members
An individual engaged or having an interest in land surveying. This may include employees of another surveyor or Firm-Member or someone in an associated profession such as engineering, architecture, cartography, forestry, geology, law or photogrammetry.
Life Members
A Surveyor-Member who has reached the age of sixty-five (65) and (1) has been a Surveyor-Member for twenty (20) preceding years or (2) a Surveyor-Member for thirty (30) years may request a Life Membership
Student Members
A full-time student studying or having an interest in surveying.
Sustaining Members
Any establishment having an interest in or wishing to support the efforts of CALS.